Soil Health & Cover Crops Cost-Share
The Carver Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has recently developed a soil health cost‐share pro gram. This program provides funding to landowners for the implementaƟon of cover crops, and soil health management systems to improve the health and functions of their soils. By integratng soil management systems, it will protect and improve water quality in rivers, lakes, streams, and other valuable water resources in Carver County. Interested landowners and cooperators can request financial assistance from the Carver SWCD to implement soil health practces. All requests are subject to approve by the Carver SWCD Board.
Soil Health
Public Land/Non-profits/Business
- An incentive payment of $75 per acre is available for implementing a soil health cover crop. Cover crops cannot be terminated or tilled in the fall, a no‐till or strip-till system is required for the following planted crop.
- The maximum incenƟve amount is $18,000 per applicant
(e.g. 80 acres x $75/acre x 3 yrs. =$18,000) - Soil Health practices must be applied on the same acres specified in the application for the duration of a 3‐year lifespan commitment.
- 75% of cover crop seed is eligible for cost‐share reimbursement. 75% cost share reimbursement is also available for equipment rentals (no‐till planters/drills) to participants commiƫng to no‐till plantings. Cover crop seeding will be completed based on an approved cover crop seeding and management plan.
- Cover crop will be cerƟfied for payments when the cover crop has been verified as seeded.
Discover the Cover
- An incentive payment of $20 per acre is available for implementing a cover crop (following crop harvest, or as an interseeded cover crop). The cover crop cannot be terminated or tilled in the fall, it must self‐terminate through winter kill, or be terminated/tilled in spring prior to planting following crop.
- The maximum incentive amount is $1,000 per applicant
(e.g. 50 acres x $20/acre = $1,000) - 75% of cover crop seed cost is eligible for cost‐share reimbursement. Cover crop seeding will be completed based on an approved cover crop seeding and management plan.
- Cover crop will be certified for payments when the cover crop has been verified as seeded.
Want More Info?
Terry Meiller