How can we help you
Programs & Services
Buffer Program
an estimated 110,000 acres of land for water quality buffer strips statewide. See if this applies tor your land.
Construction Site Erosion Control
When stormwater drains off a construction site, it carries sediment and other pollutants that harm lakes, streams and wetlands…
Equipment Rentals
Multiple pieces of equipment available for rent including: Great Plains Drill, Tree Planter, & Finn Krimper.
Financial Assistance
Many options available including Cost-Share Programs (State, Pollinator, Shoreline Habitat, Soil Health), RIM Assistance, NRCS Programs & the AgBMP Loan Program
Tree Program
The SWCD sells bare-root tree and shrub seedlings, and native prairie seed mixes every year. We start taking orders in the fall of the yea…
Technical Assistance
Need Tree Health Assessments or Survey Engineering? Our staff can help you. Contact us today.
Urban Conservation Practices
Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, Rain Gardens, Shoreline Restorations, and more.
Wetland Conservation Act
An estimated 11 million acres of wetland areas have been lost over the past 100 years, leaving only about 7.5 million acres….